Update: Fri 18 Oct 2024 10:39:32 AEDT
The working bee went well. Thanks to the half dozen or so who attended and helped out. The vegetation was much worse than expected but we got the bulk of it cleared. We may need to do a follow up visit in a months time or so.
There's a few photos of the event here.
On this coming Friday morning, 11th October, we'll be holding a working bee to clear some vegetation from the repeater site. (note that 18th October was mentioned at the September meeting, but we bring it forward a week as weneed to be doing JOTA preparation then).
The plan is to start meeting there from 8am for bacon and eggs breakfast on the public barbeque, then work the 40m net from 9am. Then, at 10am or so, spend some time chopping the vegetation. It shouldn't take long, so please come along if you are free.
Storey Park, 12 Old Berowra Rd, Hornsby NSW 2077