
August Monthly Meeting Tonight at Mount Colah

Tony VK2BTL will do a short talk on his time working at HMAS Albatross Naval Airbase, as engineer in charge during the mid-1980s;

Steve VK2KHA will make a presentaion about touring on narrowboats in the UK, beginning with a history of the canal network from its origins right up to the latest technological innovations of today. This will be followed by images of his tour of the Montgomery canal on the Welsh/English border.


Remembrance Day Contest

HADARC will be participating in the Remembrance Day Contest coming up on Saturday, 17th August. Operating portable at our favourite location of Golden Jubilee Field in North Wahroonga, shelter will be provided if required and it is highly likely that sausages and other essential supplies will be available, so please come along for an enjoyable day or listen out for contacts with Club station VK2MA.

Rules and Regulations of the contest are here on the WIA website.

Update on Friday, 23rd

The day went well nice conditions. Eleven members in attendance. Contacts were made on 40m SSB and CW, 6m and 2m SSB and FM.

Some photos from the event.

Update on Friday, 16th

  • Weather forecast looks promising but Walter XWB's excellent gazebo and cover shelter is available if required.

  • Contest starts at 1300 with opening broadcast from WIA starting at 1245. We should look to arrive and starting setting up from 12 noon.

  • BBQ with Sausages and at least one flagon of wine will be provided. Please bring other food and drinks as you might require.

  • We'll have two radios operating that can cover HF, 6m, 2m, 70cm bands. Am not sure about HF antennas, so please bring your portable HF antennas for 40m and 20m just in case.

  • We've folding tables organised, but please bring chairs for yourself and maybe a spare or two for others.

  • We will look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. A good turnout and an enjoyable day is anticipated

-- Cheers, Steve VK2AAV


July 2024 Meeting - Rod VK2DAY on ' A Practical Guide for the use of a VNA for today’s Amateur Radio Operator.'

At HADARC's July monthly meeting on this Tuesday, 23rd, Rod VK2DAY presented 'A Practical Guide for the use of a VNA for today’s Amateur Radio Operator.'

Rod's talk covered what a VNA is and why it is the Swiss Army Knife of test gear for amateurs, the various types including some popular VNA’s from last century to now; plus, the good, the bad and the ugly of each, and how each one still has its own place in the shack today. Also covered was calibration and how to improve the test sweeps of the popular NanoVNA and some practical uses in and around the shack.

It was a comprehensive talk with a large crowd in attendance. Thanks Rod.


Access to the HADARC Members Room.

As discussed at the June meeting, HADARC is trialing the element/matrix messaging system for communications amongst members. Initial indications suggest that it will be a worthwhile thing.

To get access to HADARC Members room:

  • Browse to app.element.io, select Create Account and follow the bouncing ball.

  • Probably best to use your callsign as the username.

  • Then, tell us your user name and we will invite you to the room. You will then receive an email with a link to HADARC Members room.

  • You can tell us you username by sending email to the committee or via online form here


VHF/UHF Winter Field Day

Update: Monday, 24th June

Eight hardy folk from HADARC braved the appallingly cold and wet conditions to take part in the field day.

Twelve contacts were logged on the 6m, 2m and 70cm bands.

Thanks to VK2XWB for providing some excellent shelter.

A good time was had by all.

Some photos of the event are here

Saturday 9am update

We will be operating regardless of the miserable weather

The radio setups and cooking will be undercover, plus our cars can be parked right alongside, so we can operate from their heated comfort if need be.

Rugging up will be necessary though.


HADARC will be fielding a contingent in this year's Winter Field Day:

VHF/UHF Winter Field Day Golden Jubilee Field\nEsk St, North Wahroonga NSW 2076 Saturday 22nd June From 11am.

We'll look to set up on the grass verge on the left, adjacent to the oval as you enter the field.

We are expecting a decent turn out, especially if the weather is good. Forecast is for some showers with top of 17, so be prepared.

The rules for the contest are on WIA website here.. Stations need to exchange their 6-digit maidenhead locator which, for Golden Jubilee, is QF56NH

For home stations looking to make contact, you can find your locator at this website.

We'll be operating on or near the designated call frequencies, namely:

| band | mode |     MHz |
| 6m   | FM   |  52.525 |
| 6m   | USB  |  50.200 |
| 2m   | FM   | 146.500 |
| 2m   | USB  | 144.200 |
| 70cm | FM   | 439.000 |
| 70cm | USB  | 432.200 |
|      |      |         |

And, of course, we'll be monitoring the VK2RNS 2m repeater.

Please let others know and bring your antennas, radios and portable gear.


Christmas in July with HADARC at Magpies

The second annual Christmas in July with HADARC at Magpies luncheon will be held at Magpies Waitara club on Sunday, 14th July starting at 12 noon.

Please make a note in your diaries.


April 2024 Meeting - Part II of Mick's EME Presentation

This month Mick Price VK2CMP is going to present part II of his EME (moonbounce) and working satellites presentation. Part I was presented last year and was received extremely well by members attending.

Mick has been very involved in this area of expertise for many years and we are glad to have him come along this month to present part II to members and guests. Be there, so you won’t miss another great presentation!


International Marconi Day 2024

In 1918, Guglielmo Marconi and Sir Ernest Fisk made the first wireless communication experiments. Fisk established the Australian end of the experiment at his home in Wahroonga NSW. Each year, HADARC activates the VK2IMD call sign to celebrate this landmark event. This year, International Marconi Day falls on the 27th of April. For more information, see our IMD page. We hope you have a chance to engage in this unique and special global event!


Join us for HADARC's Mid-Monthly Meeting: Exploring Square Waves!

This week on Tuesday 10th October, HADARC will hold its mid-monthly meeting at the Rifle Club. At this meeting we will look at square waves and whether they are really square or not. Please bring a signal generator and any other item of interest.

So this week be there or be square ! Yes, that was the best amateur humour I could russle up.

And if you have recently been on 20 meters you would have seen some of the best DX for many months. Yes, places like Cologne or Rome were 5/9. So turn your radio on, build an antenna and join in the DX fun.

73’s for now.

Matt / VK2BAI.


From History to Heatwaves: HADARC's September Spectacle!

Last week HADARC met at the Hornsby Rifle Club rooms and enjoyed a great night of history and tech. On the history front, Errol VK2BET brought his 1959 log books and showed some great station listening logs. He also displayed a diode in a glass bulb like never seen before. And the fun didn’t stop there. Walter VK2XWB brought bags of parts from the power supply construction and repair that were surplus. There was a feeding frenzy with Steve VK2AAV winning the deep dive award.

Since HADARC’s next meeting is after the ARNSW Trash and Treasure on the 24th of September, it was decided that those that ‘actually’ found real treasure are to bring it along to show it off. I might add there was plenty of treasure this time around. For those that didn’t, or simply missed out, please bring along your latest project and show that off.  

See you there at 8pm in the Mt Colah Community Centre for the main meeting on Tuesday the 26th of September for a great night with fellow amateurs; be they members or not as all amateurs are always more than welcome.

Finally did you know, this Summer is due to be indeed very hot. Prepare your batteries, hand-held radios and potable gear in case we get blackouts or fires. And with hot weather, it’s always nice to head to the beach with a portable setup. How about making plans now and get some friends together in the coming months.

73’s for now

Let’s keep radio active.

Matt / VK2BAI

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