Remembrance Day Contest
HADARC will be participating in the Remembrance Day Contest coming up on Saturday, 17th August. Operating portable at our favourite location of Golden Jubilee Field in North Wahroonga, shelter will be provided if required and it is highly likely that sausages and other essential supplies will be available, so please come along for an enjoyable day or listen out for contacts with Club station VK2MA.
Rules and Regulations of the contest are here on the WIA website.
Update on Friday, 23rd
The day went well nice conditions. Eleven members in attendance. Contacts were made on 40m SSB and CW, 6m and 2m SSB and FM.
Update on Friday, 16th
Weather forecast looks promising but Walter XWB's excellent gazebo and cover shelter is available if required.
Contest starts at 1300 with opening broadcast from WIA starting at 1245. We should look to arrive and starting setting up from 12 noon.
BBQ with Sausages and at least one flagon of wine will be provided. Please bring other food and drinks as you might require.
We'll have two radios operating that can cover HF, 6m, 2m, 70cm bands. Am not sure about HF antennas, so please bring your portable HF antennas for 40m and 20m just in case.
We've folding tables organised, but please bring chairs for yourself and maybe a spare or two for others.
We will look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. A good turnout and an enjoyable day is anticipated
-- Cheers, Steve VK2AAV